

Education In District
Education is the most critical element in empowering people with skills and knowledge and giving them access to productive employment in future. As per the report of 2001 Census, in this district literacy rate was 44.82%, of which 57% are Male and 43% are Female.

  1. Elementary education : (SSA)SSA aims at useful and relevant elementary education to all children in the age group of 6-14 by 2010. It also aims to bridge all social, gender and regional gaps with the active participation of the community. At present enrolment in Primary Education and enrolment in Upper Primary Education progress is quite satisfactory.
  2. Secondary Education :-

    A person with a mere 8 years of schooling will be as disadvantaged in the knowledge economy as an illiterate person is in modern industry and services. Hence the district desires to build on a long-term perspective for improving the quality of basic education up to class X level and providing access to all children in the age group of 6-16 to this level.